Sego Megono is the food is typical of pekalongan in Central Java in particular areas that are not only saving culture with batik.
This much food in the encounter in Pekalongan, Pekalongan, Batang, Pemalang Regency until.The savory rice megono of Pekalongan is really able to take us on the cool atmosphere of the village. Megono vegetable material itself comes from the young jackfruit are finely chopped and then spices typical of savory, spicy, urap disanding with chilli and hot hearty douchi tempe wrapped in coconut milk.
This much food in the encounter in Pekalongan, Pekalongan, Batang, Pemalang Regency until.The savory rice megono of Pekalongan is really able to take us on the cool atmosphere of the village. Megono vegetable material itself comes from the young jackfruit are finely chopped and then spices typical of savory, spicy, urap disanding with chilli and hot hearty douchi tempe wrapped in coconut milk.
How to make a Nagka Megono
250 g young jackfruit, cut small
5 eye pete, Peel, cut a small angle
175 grams coconut shredded lengthwise, then in the
1 cm galangal
2 pieces of bay leaf
2 pieces of Orange leaves
1 stalk Lemongrass Lemongrass
Red chili and green chili 2 huge pieces, sliced thinly
6 red cayenne pepper fruit
6 cloves shallots
2 cloves garlic
½ teaspoon coriander
1 cm in size kencur
2 roasted hazelnut grains
1 teaspoon shrimp paste
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tsp salt-to taste
How To Cook:
1. a Broiled ½ ripe jackfruit.
2. stir in shredded coconut, pete, Bay leaves, galangal and lime leaves with subtle seasonings until blended.
3. arrange the young jackfruit shredded coconut that's been mixed with spices in a pan pengukus
4. Steamed until cooked 1/2 hour to 3/4 hour.
5. then lift, and then serve with rice prepare the steamer mogono, don't forget the fried tempeh,:D
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