
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chicken Betutu of BALI (Indonesia)

Each region has different traditions and cultures of other regions. Similarly Bali. Bali is known as a prime tourist destination of the tourists in the country and abroad, has a lot of uniqueness. Adi noble culture that has attracted many people from different parts of the world to come visit. In traditional markets in Bali, many peculiarities in taste culinary delights tend to present taste displayed by the staple food itself and herbs used for dispensing food, betutu One is chicken.
Processed chicken is quite popular betutu bali citizens in general. In traditional markets, traders are definitely offering dishes made ​​from this distinctive chicken flavor. In traditional markets in Bali, many peculiarities in taste culinary delights tend to present taste displayed by the staple food itself and herbs used for dispensing food, betutu One is chicken. Processed chicken is quite popular betutu bali citizens in general. In traditional markets, traders are definitely offering dishes made ​​from this distinctive chicken flavor. Betutu is a side dish made ​​from a whole chicken or duck that contains spices, then roasted in the husk fire. Betutu has been known throughout the district in Bali. One manufacturer betutu is Melinggih village, Gianyar regency kecamatam Payangan. Betutu used as offerings in religious ceremonies and rituals as well as dishes and sold. Consumers not only society but also bali foreign guests who come to Bali, especially in certain places such as hotels and restaurants / restaurant. Betutu not stored longer lasting.


- 1 chicken
- 3 tablespoons oil
- 5 pieces of orange leaves
- 3 stalks lemongrass finely sliced
- 500 ml coconut milk

Spices That Are:

- 6 pieces of red chili
- 18 grains of red onion
- 6 cloves garlic
- 6 items hazelnut
- 1 slice turmeric
- 1 slice kencur
- ½ tsp pepper
- 5 pieces of cayenne pepper
- 1 tsp coriander
- 2 tsp shrimp paste
- 11/2 tsp salt

1. Grilled chicken half cooked, remove from heat.
2. Spices that have smoothed out the pan with oil until aroma, pour the coconut milk,
cooked slightly thickened, put a whole chicken and cooked until dried herbs and soak, lift.
3. Flatten the chicken seasoning and bake in the oven (charcoal), Cover with banana leaves,
bake until browned, remove from heat
4. Serve.

For: 8 servings (1 serving = 129 calories)

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